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Description: VC开发的一个端口扫描程序,功能全面,使用方便,是扫描程序很好的例子。-development of a VC port scanning procedures, full-featured, easy to use, scanning procedure is a good example.
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: 飞鱼 | Hits:


Description: 在VC++6.0中用MSComm控件编程,可以实现串口接-used in VC 6.0 MSComm programming, serial port access can be achieved
Platform: | Size: 3915776 | Author: wise | Hits:

[OS programWINNT_2000下直接写端口 的VC++源程序

Description: WINNT_2000下直接写端口 的VC++源程序-WINNT_2000 write directly to the port source VC
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 环洋 | Hits:


Description: VC++6.0多线程技术在端口扫描程序中的应用-VC++6.0 multithreading technology in port scanning procedures for the application
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: hkx | Hits:

[Com PortVC中串口编程资料汇总

Description: RS-232-C端口实时监控软件的设计实现 多线程技术在VC++串口通信程序中的应用研究 用VC6实现串行通信的三种方法 在基于单文档程序中应用MSCOMM串口通讯控件-RS-232-C port real-time monitoring software design multi-threading technology in VC serial communication procedures for the application of research VC6 realization of the three serial communication methods based on single-file procedures MSCOMM Application Serial Communication Control
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 大圣 | Hits:

[Com PortSerialPort-VC

Description: 利用西门子的GSM芯片(TC35)的手机模块实现短信的读写,该手机模块可以加入SIM卡,然后就跟手机一样使用了,程序可以通过串口进行控制-The programme use GSM CMOS chip(TC35) module to read and write short message, you can insert SIM card into this module, then it can work as ordinary Mobile phone,the programme can control the module through com port.
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: 朱耀 | Hits:


Description: 非常简易的一个端口扫描程序 说明了一些端口扫描的基本思路 -a very simple description of the procedures for port scanning port scanning some basic ideas
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: ZR | Hits:


Description: 基于VC实现的串口通信程序,可以用于测试串口的连接,也可供进行源码学习.-NOTE: serial port communication procedure based vc,It can be used to test serialport s connection,and also study source!
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: 刘德中 | Hits:

[Parallel PortVC实现PC并行端口数字信息输入

Description: 用vc进行 嵌入式 开发并口通信的实现-vc used for the development of embedded parallel port communication of
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 李侃 | Hits:

[Com PortUse.VC++e

Description: 用VC++6.0实现PC机与单片机之间的串口数据交换-VC 6.0 PC with a serial port between SCM data exchange
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 王宝玉 | Hits:


Description: 串口通信编程的一个高级实例,采用了多线程,涉及到串口以及输入/输出同步和I/O重叠方面的知识,主要实现数据收发,请在VC++6.0及以上环境下编译 这个我搜了一下本站,好像连重名的都没有,-serial communication programming as a senior example of the use of multithreading, Serial involved and input/output synchronization and I/O overlap of knowledge, data transceiver, Please VC 6.0 and above compiler environment I found this site for a moment, it seems even Repetitions were not, Oh
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: 如歌 | Hits:


Description: 虚拟串口的工具,最新版,破解文件在国外网站找了好久才发现的。串口程序开发必备工具! 此软件不同于串口重定向软件,它可以生成一对互相连接的串口,比如COM3和COM4,你的程序中使用COM3输出,则使用超级终端就能在COM4看到输入,用来模拟调试串口控制是很好的选择!-Virtual serial port tools, the latest version, crack file abroad site for a long time to find it found. Serial program development tool! This software is different from the serial port redirection software, which can generate a pair of interconnected serial, for example, COM3 and COM4, the procedures you use COM3 output, use HyperTerminal COM4 will be able to see the input, used to simulate the debugging Serial Port Control is a very good choice!
Platform: | Size: 2951168 | Author: directsex | Hits:

[Com PortVC++serial_communication

Description: 一个用VC++编写的串口通信源代码,界面比较简洁,代码包括了串口接收,发送,端口选择以及参数配置!非常适合初学者-A used VC++ Prepared source code for serial communication interface relatively simple, the code includes the serial port to receive, send, port configuration options and parameters! Very suitable for beginners
Platform: | Size: 2017280 | Author: 方高明 | Hits:


Description: 非常牛的代码,用VC通过HTTP把文件直接传到WEB服务器上,可以在开发木马的朋友会用到。用的是MFC中的一个类,HTTP,分析SOCKET协议。模仿HTTP上传文件。通过80端口上传,可有效避开防火墙等。-Very cattle code, using VC files directly through HTTP to spread to WEB server, you can in the development of horse friends will be used. Using MFC in a class, HTTP, analysis SOCKET agreement. Mimic HTTP upload files. From the adoption of 80-port, which can effectively avoid the firewall.
Platform: | Size: 116736 | Author: 李茜 | Hits:

[Com PortVC++_RS232

Description: 〈VC++串口通讯技术〉一本很不错的介绍PC串口通讯技术的书-<VC++串口通讯技术> A very good introduction to the book PC serial port communication technology
Platform: | Size: 11465728 | Author: | Hits:


Description: VC串口编程,介绍了VC中串口的基本知识和基本控件的使用和例子!-VC serial port programming, serial port introduced in VC the basic knowledge and basic control of the use and examples!
Platform: | Size: 11021312 | Author: 李帅 | Hits:


Description: 用C++通过计算机并口读取ZMD31050智能传感器芯片的数据,采用模拟I2C端口的方式。-Using C++ through the computer parallel port ZMD31050 smart sensor chip to read the data, the use of simulation methods I2C port.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: wangzh_2002 | Hits:


Description: In this sample,you can open and close the communication port that you have chosen.What is more and important,you can sand and receive datas from the serial port selected.
Platform: | Size: 1931264 | Author: hzg | Hits:

[Com PortVC-rs232

Description: VC串口控制加摄像头视频适合机器人上位机,只要适当改变active控件属性,就可以适应不同串口,很适合做机器人的上位机编程入门.-VC video camera plus serial control for robot host computer, as long as appropriate to change the active control properties, you can adapt to different serial port, it is suitable for robot' s host computer programming started.
Platform: | Size: 2342912 | Author: dfood | Hits:

[Software Engineeringvc

Description: vc上位机源码及单片机接收发送程序,上位机可以发送接收,pc与单片机通过串口连接,单片机p2口接8个led可显示流水灯-vc host computer source code and the MCU receiver to send a program, host computer can send and receive, pc with the microcontroller through the serial port connection, SCM p2 mouth can be displayed next eight led water lamp
Platform: | Size: 5434368 | Author: 李先海 | Hits:
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